


It’s a source of amusement in the Little family that so many of our birthdays fall in January – that’s me, my brother, husband, auntie, and my father-in-law! Today, January 4th, it’s my blog’s turn, as it celebrates its first birthday! I hope you can join me in wishing happy birthday to Natural Beauty with Baby! Natural skincare and beauty has always been a passion – one I found myself even more interested in when I became pregnant. Once I was expecting, it was naturally more important to avoid harmful ingredients. When Jonah was born, the same applied to his skincare. I thought it would be a rewarding hobby to document mine and Jonah’s favourite natural skincare and beauty products. I wanted to shout these products from the rooftops! And so my blog was born. Let’s take a look at Natural Beauty with Baby through the months. January I started…

Ah, New Year’s Eve. It’s that time of year where people around the world take stock of the year that has been, and look towards the coming year with fresh hopes and dreams. It’s the same for me – I’ve been blogging almost a year now, and I’d love to share with you the best of Natural Beauty with Baby 2017. This post has been a lot of fun to write! It’s almost like an awards ceremony. So, let’s take a look at my best of! Blogger game-changer post LoveLula December 2017 Beauty Box review This post marked a huge turning point for my blog. It was a super-proud moment for me being accepted onto the LoveLula Accredited Blogger Programme. I really enjoyed my first LoveLula Natural Beauty Box. It’s also been a real blast talking with the LoveLulies in the LoveLula Natural Beauty Facebook group. In this group, we…

If you’re pregnant or a new mum wondering what you might need on your breastfeeding journey, this post is for you. Natural breastfeeding products – the breastfeeding essentials you’ll need for the first six months and beyond. These are my all-time favourite breastfeeding products, which have been invaluable to me. I’ve breastfed all four of my littles from birth until the age of 2, so I’ve tried a lot of breastfeeding products. Here are the products I return to again and again – from the best nipple balms, teas and support for mum, but also the best breast pumps, bottles for breastfeeding babies, and nursing pillows. My breastfeeding back story When I first wrote this post, I’d been breastfeeding Jonah for almost 17 months. We struggled at the start with painful latch, and we overcame it together. My mum breastfed me for a few weeks so had a little experience…

In this post I’m reviewing the fantastic BeeMom Silicone Breast Pump. I’ve been breastfeeding Jonah for 15 months now. I never imagined we would get this far, as we did struggle at the start. I’m passionate about breastfeeding, and so grateful to the women who helped me learn to breastfeed in hospital – and the lactation consultant who supported me through difficult times. Jonah lost a lot of weight in the weeks following his birth, so we (probably needlessly) supplemented with formula. When his weight gain stabilised, we gradually decreased his formula intake and I pumped to increase my milk supply. We used the Medela Swing Electric Breast Pump. Now we find breastfeeding so easy, and it forges such a strong bond between us – we both love it. Jonah breastfeeds about three times during the day, and breastfeeds to sleep. If he’s poorly, he breastfeeds more frequently for comfort.…