“7 Spiritual Signs From The Universe About Pregnancy” is a collaborative post.

Have you been trying to get pregnant or wondering if you might have a little one on the way? The universe has a funny way of dropping hints when a baby is coming, some obvious and some not so much. Of course, a pregnancy test is the only surefire way to know for certain. But there are some telltale signs and coincidences that could mean you’re in the family way. Let me walk you through the 7 most common ones.

Dreams of Babies or Water

If you keep dreaming about babies or water, it might be a sign from the universe that you are pregnant. Holding, feeding, or caring for a baby in a dream is often interpreted as a symbol of new beginnings, growth, and nurturing. It could be the universe’s way of planting the seed (pun intended) that you’re about to embark on the incredible journey of parenthood. Even if you’re not actively trying to conceive, these dreams might be a gentle nudge from the cosmos, encouraging you to open your heart to the possibility of welcoming a little one into your life.

Dreaming of oceans, rivers, or even taking a dip in a pool is commonly associated with fertility, emotional cleansing, and the flow of life. The water symbolises the womb and the potential for new life to be created within you. These dreams could be the universe’s way of reminding you that your body is a sacred vessel, capable of nurturing and sustaining a tiny human being.

Seeing Numbers or Dates

If you keep noticing the same numbers over and over, like 11:11 on the clock or 777 on license plates, it could be a sign that your baby dreams are manifesting. Many people believe that repeating numbers are actually messages from angels or spirit guides, encouraging you to stay positive on your journey to motherhood. For instance, the number 444 is seen as a sign of divine protection during pregnancy, while 222 can literally mean you’re pregnant – with the 2 symbolising you and your little one. 

You might also start seeing significant dates everywhere you look – a loved one’s birthday or the date you started trying to conceive. When these meaningful numbers keep appearing, it’s like the universe is giving you a little wink, letting you know it hasn’t forgotten about your baby wish. So keep your eyes peeled for those numerical signs!

Seeing Repeated Symbols

Seeing repeated symbols like hearts, baby gear, or even literal images of pregnant women might be the universe trying to get your attention by placing these symbols right in front of you. And trust me, when the universe wants you to notice something, it doesn’t exactly do it subtly.

Imagine you’re scrolling through Instagram, and every other post has a heart emoji or a baby onesie. Or you’re walking down the street, and you can’t help but notice the adorable baby stroller in the window display.

But why would the Universe send you these signs? Well, it could be a gentle nudge that you’re ready to start (or expand) your family. Maybe you’ve been thinking about trying for a baby, or perhaps the idea hasn’t even crossed your mind yet. Either way, the Universe knows what’s best for you, and it’s trying to prepare you for the incredible adventure that lies ahead.


Have you been seeing an unusual number of baby-related things lately? Perhaps ads for baby products, hearing people talk about their pregnancies, or noticing an uptick in stroller sightings? If so, the universe may be trying to tell you something through these delightful synchronicities! When you start experiencing a lot of these around a particular theme, like babies and pregnancy, it could very well be the universe’s way of planting seeds of awareness.

Maybe you’ve been thinking about starting a family, and these signs are confirming that you’re on the right track. Or perhaps you’re already trying to conceive, and the synchronicities are reassuring you that your dream of having a baby is manifesting. It’s even possible that you’re not consciously focused on pregnancy at all, but the universe is nudging you to start considering it.

Sudden Cravings or Aversions

When you’re pregnant, your body goes through a whirlwind of changes – both physical and emotional. And one of the most common (and sometimes bizarre) experiences is developing an insatiable craving for something you’ve never really cared for before, or suddenly feeling repulsed by a food you used to love.

These cravings and aversions aren’t just your body playing tricks on you. They’re actually a form of intuitive guidance from the universe, helping you nourish yourself and your growing baby with the specific nutrients you both need at that moment.

Butterflies or Other Nature Signs

Butterflies have long been associated with new beginnings, transformation, and fertility in many cultures. So if you’ve been noticing more butterflies fluttering around you lately, it could be the universe’s way of saying you’re pregnant. But butterflies aren’t the only nature signs to keep an eye out for. Have you been spotting more ladybugs than usual? These lucky little beetles are believed to be harbingers of new life and prosperity. 

Intuitive Feelings

For many women, intuitive hunches can be some of the earliest spiritual signs from the universe about pregnancy. It’s like your soul just knows something amazing is stirring before your mind has fully caught up. Maybe you’ll randomly get intense cravings for weird food combos. Or perhaps you’ll feel overcome with emotion at the sight of an adorable baby outfit in a store window. 

These intuitive nudges often manifest as unusually vivid dreams too. You might have a series of dreams about being pregnant, holding a newborn, or nesting and prepping for a baby’s arrival.

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