More women are choosing to bypass their doctor’s surgery and take control of their gynae health by taking an at-home vaginal health test. These tests are convenient, discreet, and comprehensive. Testing the health of your vagina is important if you’re trying for a baby, approaching the menopause, thinking about IVF, or experiencing any vaginal discomfort, odour, or itching. But what does at-home vaginal health testing involve? And is it worth the cost? In this post, I honestly review the Daye Vaginal Health bundle. This comprehensive test kit includes everything you need to better understand your vaginal health, and take the best course of action -whether this looks like treatment through conventional or holistic medicine. The vaginal microbiome is the ecosystem of bacteria, yeasts and other microorganisms that live inside your vagina. When its balance is off, it’s vulnerable to infections and other gynae health complications. The Daye Vaginal Health Bundle…
Welcome back, my dear friend! In this article we’re going to consider how does pregnancy change the vaginal microbiome. We’ve all heard of the gut microbiome, and even the skin microbiome, but did you know that your vagina is also home to millions of strains of “friendly” and “unfriendly” bacteria, yeasts, and other microorganisms that comprise its own vaginal microbiome? Luckily, most of the time, these organisms live in perfect balance. Unfortunately, and for various reasons, this balance can be disrupted causing health problems. Perhaps an infection, thrush, or even affecting our ability to fall pregnant naturally or sustain a healthy pregnancy. If you’re trying to get pregnant, or are currently pregnant, and want to take your vaginal and reproductive health to another level, then taking a test is a great way to support yourself. To help me understand my vaginal microbiome before and after pregnancy, I’m trying out the…
Hello again, my lovely! Today I’m introducing Daye – a very special period care company and their CBD infused and sustainable tampons. Daye has truly upgraded the humble tampon, for reasons we will shortly learn about. But did you know that the vaginal canal is home to more painkilling cannabinoid receptors than any other area? Me neither! Until now. It’s a new Daye in all things female health. I was intrigued when Daye contacted me to ask if I’d like to try their CBD tampons. I’ve been a fan of CBD products like CBD oil, and organic CBD gummies for a while, but I’d never encountered CBD tampons before. Do you suffer with painful periods? For most, it’s a normal part of monthly life as a woman. “When the wall of the womb contracts, it compresses the blood vessels lining your womb. This temporarily cuts off the blood supply -…