In this post I want to look at some of the popular baby care products that can be found on supermarket shelves. Here are some healthier replacements for mainstream baby products. I’m sure most of our parents used these popular brands on us when we were babies, and people just keep using them. The scary thing is that parents trust these brands. But take a closer look at the ingredients, and not only are many not gentle, they’re downright scary. For every risky mainstream baby product, a healthy alternative exists. Let’s see what easy swaps we can make! #1 – Johnson’s Extra Sensitive Baby Wipes Why you shouldn’t use them These wipes, despite “extra sensitive” in the name, contain phenoxyethanol, which is used as a preservative to extend shelf life. Do you clean bub’s hands with a wipe, and do they suck their hand later? This Dermareview article explains how infant…
Since his birth, we co-bathed with Jonah as it felt safer and more secure, and good for skin-to-skin contact thus supporting breastfeeding, and, well, squeeeeee – bathing with our new baby! We never did figure out which bath support or baby bath to buy and bathing with him felt good. Once he could sit upright at a week past six months, he started to love bath time a lot more and he had more baths on his own in the tub. We still try to avoid bathing him more than twice a week as we think some bacteria is good. But water can be so relaxing, and Jonah got dirtier when he started feeding himself with baby led weaning. At the start we used no bubble bath or any other product in the bath. Then we introduced Weleda Calendula Shampoo and Body Wash to clean his nappy area and hair only.…