Hi, it’s nice to see you here! Today, I’m talking about female fertility and using a home fertility test kit. Some months back I was approached by LetsGetChecked who wondered if I’d like to try one of their at home health tests. LetsGetChecked have been offering personal health tests in the UK since 2016. They use the world’s best accredited labs and tests range from sexual health, wellness, vitamin status, lyme disease, and more. Go straight to my discount code for LetsGetChecked! Since most of my readers are women planning or parenting little ones, I was beyond interested to try a home fertility test kit. Our family is complete and I just turned 40, but I still have fertility curiosity, like am I still fertile even though I’m breastfeeding? Am I approaching menopause soon? How quickly is my fertility declining? When can I expect to see menopausal symptoms? I admit,…