Welcome back, my friend! Wondering what’s essential in the postpartum period? Take the guesswork out of your post-pregnancy planning – here are the postpartum essentials you’ll want to stash at home and pack in your hospital bag in the UK. As an experienced mum of four children, I love sharing what worked for me postnatally. I took so much needless stuff to hospital with my first child – I wish I knew then, what I know now! The postpartum period is such a beautiful and special time. But it can be overwhelming, too – especially as a first time mum. After all, not only have you just given birth – whether vaginally or via c-section, you’re experiencing huge physical changes too. A drop in hormones often leads to mood swings – baby blues are a real thing! And not to mention – you now have a brand new little one…
Looking for the most natural beauty and skincare while you’re expecting? While there’s no evidence that everyday beauty and skincare products cause harm to unborn babies, many women choose to avoid certain ingredients during pregnancy. When we hear about some ingredients having detrimental effects, why wouldn’t we want to avoid them? Disclosure: this post contains references to PR gifted products and products I’ve chosen with my credits as a LoveLula Accredited Blogger. My views are honest and my own. Pregnancy is a life changing time – you want to feel beautiful without worrying, and your beauty and skincare products should support that. Feel beautiful and make the cleanest possible choices with my pregnancy natural beauty tips. A note about safety – please talk to your midwife before using natural products in pregnancy. Some ladies choose to avoid products containing essential oils in the first trimester. Pregnancy natural beauty tips Care for…
Since I’m a few weeks into my third trimester, I thought it would be a good time to share my third trimester essentials and a 7 month pregnancy update. The third trimester brings a whole new set of needs, doesn’t it? For me, it’s all about preparation. Things are about to get real! There’s the practical preparation, like washing my baby’s clothes and planning who will care for Jonah. But there’s also the physical and emotional preparation for labour, birth, and life with a newborn! During my third trimester with Jonah, I followed a HypnoBirthing course with my hospital. This pregnancy, I’ve used the same HypnoBirthing practise since the start of my third trimester. I have a nice daily routine of listening to affirmations, breathing practise, guided relaxation, and drinking raspberry leaf tea. Soon, I’ll be doing perineal massage and eating dates. Third trimester essentials checklist Emotionally, I’ve been up and…
Another month, another empties post! This month, many of my used natural beauty products are samples from the July LoveLula box. You can also expect to find summery items like floral sprays, sunscreen, and after sun. I’ve recycled everything where possible. Please enjoy my July 2018 natural beauty empties! Full size natural beauty products Disclosure: Balm Balm Little Miracle Rosehip Balm, CHOBS Organic Aloe Sheet Mask, D’Alchemy Age-Cancellation Booster, John Masters Rosemary & Arnica Body Wash, Apple & Bears Bergamot & Green Tea Luxury Body Wash in LoveLula Beauty Boxes sent by LoveLula. Balm Balm Organic Rose Floral Water with points from my allowance as a LoveLula Accredited Blogger. Weleda Wild Rose Body Oil by Weleda. Monat samples by Bristol Hair @ Monat. My opinions are honest and my own. Balm Balm Little Miracle Rosehip Balm I couldn’t get enough of this velvety soft balm. It came in April’s LoveLula box. I…
This post will help you put together a handy toddler first aid kit. Mobile babies and toddlers get in so many scrapes don’t they? Many of these ouchies are treatable at home with lots of cuddles and a few choice first aid kit items. When Jonah started to walk at 13 months, we realised we needed a first aid kit to treat his minor bumps and scrapes. We didn’t want to buy a first aid kit off the shelf, because we wanted more than just practical items like plasters, bandages, and dressings. We also wanted toddler-friendly and natural remedies that would ease common complaints and support Jonah’s body to heal itself. My husband and I aren’t very physical people, so we don’t get injured that often. And luckily, we don’t tend to get poorly much – apart from when Jonah brings the lurgies back from play group. Reflecting this, our…