“Parenting toddlers: 8 difficulties you’ll face and how to handle them” is a collaborative post.

Toddler parenting is a challenging but rewarding experience. It’s incredible how rapidly newborns grow up, mature, and become conscious of their surroundings. It could be challenging to anticipate their shifting needs and requests. You can better regulate these circumstances if you know how to handle them.

Parenting can benefit you and your child with the appropriate strategies and direction. These are eight of the most typical issues that toddler parents may experience, along with advice on how to deal with them:


Travelling with a toddler can be difficult for parents. It’s important to keep your regular routine and schedule, as toddlers commonly don’t cope well with disruptions. Before travelling, make sure you have the necessary items such as snacks and books to help keep them occupied during the trip.

Also, plan frequent stops to let your child move around and explore. Don’t forget to bring their car seat when travelling. Choosing the correct size and type of car seat is essential based on your child’s age and weight. ​

The right car seat for 0-8 years should be installed in the back of the car and face backward and be reward facing up to 30 months. This is so the child is travelling as safely as possible. After a year of age the child is old enough to be forward facing. This is done so the child feels more comfortable, especially during a long trip.

Sleep issues

One of the most common struggles with toddlers is sleep issues. Creating a consistent bedtime routine is crucial for quality sleep and rest. Ensure you turn off screens an hour before bed and let your child wind down in a calming environment. Getting your toddler involved in the bedtime routine is also beneficial so they understand it is time for sleep. Consistency and patience can help your child stay on track with their sleeping habits.

Picky eating habits

To make mealtimes more enjoyable for both of you, keep meals positive and stress-free. Offer nutritious options that children can explore and play with as they increase their food awareness. It might take several attempts before your child finds something they like, so don’t get discouraged. Another great technique to get your child interested in trying new meals is to get them involved in the kitchen. Allowing them to help with simple tasks such as stirring and chopping will make it a fun experience for both of you. Make sure to offer praise when your child tries something new.

Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is common among toddlers. When you’re gone, it’s normal for kids to feel anxious and clinging, so don’t be startled if it happens. Offer your child a comforting embrace before you leave, and let them know you will be back soon to help them adjust. When you’re not there, having a comfort item like a toy or plush animal might provide people peace of mind. It’s essential to remain consistent and tell them the truth while being supportive and listening to their worries. Your child will learn to be comfortable with separation with patience and love.

Tantrums and meltdowns

Tantrums and meltdowns are frequent occurrences in toddlers. These outbursts can be problematic but try not to take them personally. ​ Acknowledge your child’s feelings and provide them with comfort while they calm down. Patience is essential as you help your child work through their emotions healthily.

Distracting them with a toy or activity can also help divert their attention and redirect their negative behaviour into something positive. They will learn to take breaks and express themselves more effectively as they grow.

Fear of new environments and people

Fear of new environments and people is another common challenge for parents. Toddlers are naturally timid and cautious when discovering something new. So talk to your child in the language they understand while explaining what they will encounter in the new place or situation.

It’s also good to let them explore the new environment or person while being patient and supportive. Never push your child to do anything they find unpleasant. Instead, reassure them that you are there for them if they feel terrified. As time passes, your child will become less anxious in unfamiliar settings.

Difficulty following instructions

Following instructions is a problematic concept for toddlers to grasp. Keep your commands short and simple while demonstrating what you want them to do to make them manageable. You can also offer choices as it gives your child autonomy and makes them feel like they have control.

It’s essential to stay patient and consistent when teaching discipline and boundaries. Use positive reinforcement when they listen and follow instructions. Rewarding them with praise or a toy will help motivate them to obey.


Toddlers can sometimes be very stubborn, so understanding why is essential. It could be that they simply can’t comprehend certain concepts or are trying to assert their independence.

It’s critical to keep in mind that your youngster is still developing. Avoid becoming upset since doing so would just make them even more stubborn. Instead, demonstrate empathy and let them know you know how they are feeling. ​

Keep your expectations consistent and outline why something needs to be done. Encouraging dialogue is a great way to nurture your toddler’s curiosity while teaching them respectful communication skills.

Final Thoughts

Raising a toddler can be challenging but also rewarding. You can help your child grow into their best version with patience, love, and understanding. Don’t forget to take breaks, celebrate their successes and enjoy the journey together!

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