“Top tips for prioritising your mental wellbeing at home” is a collaborative post.

Prioritising your mental wellbeing is so important when you lead a busy lifestyle, whether you’re a parent, student, or working professional.

Coming back home after a long day should feel relaxing. In a perfect world, home should always be a place where we can recharge, nurture and protect our mental health. But with family life in the background, a few things can get in the way of a peaceful state of mind! To help you create a living space that fosters serenity and wellbeing, we’ve listed five practical steps.

1. Declutter and simplify

A cluttered space can lead to a busy mind, triggering bad feelings and stress. According to clinical psychologists, clutter can create a sense of disorder in our heads, which can in turn create stress and overwhelm. 

Protect your headspace by ensuring that all your belongings are stowed away regularly, put in a memorable and designated place. Neat and tidy storage solutions like fitted wardrobes help you to keep your belongings out of sight, and with custom colours available, they easily complement your home décor too!

2. Incorporate natural elements

Bringing the outdoors into your home could be an effective way to help you relax and recharge your batteries. Research has proven that plants evoke happy memories, with healthy plants offering clear benefits to wellbeing. 

So, whether it’s a rubber plant in your living room or snake plant in the bathroom, adding a touch of greenery could lift your spirits and boost your mood. Plus, with the air-purifying benefits of leafy plants, you’ll be breathing cleaner air too.

3. Designate zones for relaxation

It’s worth creating areas for relaxation and mindfulness in your home. When you find yourself with a few minutes spare to take some time out, having somewhere quiet and separate from the rest of the house will help you to reach that calm state of mind.

Whether you prefer to practise yoga, read a book or meditate to gentle music, make sure you set up your space in a way that’s tailored to your interests. If you’re just using it to take some time out and chill, a cosy corner works a treat. Add a comfortable chair, warm lighting, and soft cushions and blankets. This will help immensely with a relaxing routine at home.

4. Add personal touches

Don’t be afraid to let your home reflect your personality! You should try to create a space that feels authentically yours. Personal touches like family photos, homemade artwork and souvenirs of happy days out could add character to your home.

Try to keep that all-important balance when you’re decorating, though. Choose enough décor to make you smile and create a welcoming atmosphere but try not to leave anywhere feeling overcrowded. 

5. Follow a healthy routine

Lastly, the age-old advice of being consistent in your daily routine will pay dividends for your state of mind. Try to make some time every day to nurture your mindset by moving your body! 

Remember, exercising doesn’t need to mean high-intensity exercise. Getting started can be as steady as you’d like, so why not do some gentle stretches at home? Try to set up a space at home that fosters healthy food and drink choices too, since a balanced diet is also vital for good mental health.

Small changes, big difference

Implementing even one of these steps could help you see some improvements in your state of mind. A clean, tidy and cosy home can help boost your mood, but it’s not a final fix. Remember, don’t struggle in silence if you’re finding it hard to cope. Give yourself time and ask for help if you need it. 

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