From making meals for picky eaters to helping with homework and playing referee, motherhood is non-stop work. Experts call this cognitive labour, and it can make mums exhausted. It’s normal, but it’s a sign you need to take better care of yourself. Self care isn’t just nice to have; it’s a must-have. When you take some time for yourself, you recharge your batteries. This makes you happier and better at taking care of your family. Keep reading for how to practise self care as a mum and find great self care ideas for mums that can help you feel your best. Me time It’s vital to carve out some me time in your day. It doesn’t have to be long; even 15 to 30 minutes can help. Use this time to do something you love. Whether it’s your skincare routine, listening to music, practicing yoga, or sitting in silence, this…

“Your beauty routine after facial piercing: essential tips” is a collaborative post. Who does not want a glowing face? Everyone wants to look their best, and great skin is always a top desire. Skincare is crucial for radiant skin, however, your skincare and beauty routine will need a few tweaks after fresh facial piercings. Here are some tips that should help you adjust your beauty routine post-facial piercings to promote healing and improve skin health simultaneously. Remain mindful of the healing period Remember you need to keep the started jewellery on, even at night, for about 6 weeks, or longer. The piercing may close if you remove the jewellery during the initial healing stages. The healing periods of different types of piercings vary. You will receive some aftercare instructions from the professional who did the piercing for you. In general, you must avoid harsh products and practises around the piercing,…

“Attaining your fitness goals: 12 things to consider” is a collaborative post. Starting a fitness journey is a commendable endeavour that requires dedication, strategy, and an understanding of one’s own body and goals. Attaining your fitness objectives isn’t merely about pushing yourself in the gym; it involves a comprehensive approach that encompasses various aspects of health and wellness. It combines physical exertion with mental resilience and strategic planning. Whether you aim to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall health, understanding the multifaceted nature of fitness is crucial. In this article, we talk about essential considerations that can significantly impact your journey toward achieving your fitness goals, providing insights that go beyond the conventional wisdom of diet and exercise. 1. Realistic goal setting The foundation of a successful fitness journey is setting achievable goals. Ambitious targets can motivate, but they must also be realistic to prevent discouragement. Tailor your…

“New parents’ guide to self-care” is a collaborative post. Becoming parents for the first time is one of the things in life that people strive for. It’s not an easy journey, of course, but it’s something that is certainly worth it. The sleepless nights and the crying, and we’re not just talking about the baby, will certainly be a part of it all. As parents, you will likely be focusing a lot of your energy on caring for your baby, but it’s important that you also take time to focus on your own health. Read this new parents’ guide to self-care – you can do this! Prioritising sleep One of the most significant challenges new parents face is the drastic change in their sleep patterns. The importance of sleep cannot be overstated; it’s the foundation of good health, affecting everything from mental sharpness to physical wellbeing. Establishing a sleep routine…